get down to

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get down to

更新时间:2024-05-14 01:18:45

英 [ɡet daun tu:]

美 [ɡɛt daʊn tu]

get down to基本解释

开始; 着手


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1. 开始干,着手做(尤指需花费精力之事)
If you get down to something, especially something that requires a lot of attention, you begin doing it.

e.g. With the election out of the way, the government can get down to business.


1. 开始,着手:我只是开始着手(get down to)去写另一部作品20. 我的成功(success)已经改变了我的生活1. 父亲戒酒近二十年了他是怎么做到的呢?二十年后我才有勇气(courage)去问他这个问题3. 当父亲第一次戒酒时,大家都如坐针毡似的(be on pins and needles)担心他可能继续酗酒get into a situa

2. 着手:我只是开始着手(get down to)去写另一部作品. 20. 我取得的成功(success)已经改变了我的生活. 2. 买信鸽花了很多钱,对我们的生活(life)造成了一点影响. 12. 穿过(through)暴风雨. 16. 鸽子飞回家后,主人应马上取下腿环,

3. 开始认真考虑或对待:get down to work 认真开始工作 | get down to 开始认真考虑或对待 | get down 从...下来;下车;写下


4. 开始认真(做某事):get down 降下 | get down to 开始认真做某事 | get in 进入,收获,达到

  • 临近词
Let's get down to business.(咱们开始干正事吧。)
B: so we all had a fine vacation. And now we must get down to some good solid work.(b:这样看来我们都过了个不错的假期,现在我们必须着手做具体的事了。)
With the election out of the way, the government can get down to business.(选举已结束,政府能够着手处理正事了。)
They are on course to get down to the required depth in August.(按规定,它们要在八月份达到要求的深度。)
We need to get down to the serious business of working out costs.(我们该认真地把成本算出来了。)
With that plumbing defined, I can get down to business.(定义了该管道之后,我就可以开始正事了。)
This means, to get down to brass tacks, that it could hit Alaska.(这意味着须认真对待的基本事实:它可以打击阿拉斯加。)
The best hope is that we will mobilize international support and get down to action.(最大的希望就是我们将动员国际社会的支持,开始行动。)
I can get down to nitpicking detail, I am pretty fussy about certain things.(我会挑剔细节,而且对某些事情我会相当吹毛求疵。)
Now let's get down to the business of creating a document.(现在,我们来看一下如何创建文档。)
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